Womin Djeka Families
Sorrento Preschool is committed to embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of seeing, doing and learning, and explore how we can create greater connections with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, First Nations people in our local community.
We make a promise and are committed to working together with our First Nations people to promote respectful and genuine two-way relationships of shared significance.
We understand that everyone has different relationships and experiences and aim to build on our educators, families and children's individual strengths to grow, learn and connect, together as one.
Our Bush Kinder program develops the interconnectedness of life on our planet by being immersed in the environment and develops the children's appreciation for our First Nations people of the land upon which we live, play and learn - Boon Wurrung and Bunurong Country. The education of the children is our central focus, and we aim to be inclusive and embed Australia’s First Peoples’ perspectives to guide the development of our programs.
As a connected team we want our Preschool to feel culturally safe for people from all walks of life. We want to provide programs that teach through culture.
We want our educators to continue to learn and build on the knowledge they already have and the programs they already implement. We want to learn about the sacredness of the Land upon which we teach and pass this knowledge onto our children who then pass on to their families.
Our Reconciliation Action Plan [RAP] is plan a plan where educators, children and families can be a part of and come on this journey with us. We feel incredibly proud of our pedagogies and practices and the respect we already uphold for our First Nations community, but we know as a service and as a community we have a long way to go.
Our kindergarten uses the Story Park app as a communication platform to keep families informed of upcoming significant dates (special information for you before we introduce it to the children), progress with our RAP, and reflections of the children's learning. If families have any ideas, suggestions or connections that may assist our working goal, please contact Stephanie, our RAP Coordinator sorrento.kin@kindergarten.vic.gov.au
You can follow our Reconciliation Action Play journey at: